Hanalei Q5 463C Centre Fin Dual Tab Base CNC Range


Q5 Centre Fin Series

The latest generation of the Q family of fin designs. While these fins have been around for a long time they are still very popular because they just work!

Smooth, powerful, high performance fins.

These fins are by far the best selling fins in our range! They offer smooth power with lots of drive and holding power. The harder they are pushed the better they work. Really have to be tried to feel how good they really are in the water.

Due to the rake of the larger fin they tend to have really good projection out of turns making them really good in larger surf!


This is the mid size center fin for this series featuring our KAHI cutaway design. A high-performance center fin adds another dimension to a thruster setup. The KAHI enhances the turning ability while reducing drag. This Mid size is ideal for a grom thruster or someone looking for a center fin that can be pushed around for major performance .


height: 4.625" [118mm] base: 2.875" [73mm] area: 10.35in2 [67cm2]

This style comes in 3 sizes Q5 500c , Q5 463C, Q5 375C